Home Equity Theft Through Contractors Still A Problem

Home Equity Theft Through Contractors Still A Problem

Using the equity in your home to upgrade or improve the home itself is one of the most popular reasons for taking out a home equity loan. With some improvements, the value of the property increases by almost as much as the cost of the remodeling itself. That, combined...
The Value Of Home Security Safes

The Value Of Home Security Safes

A basic locking cabinet can secure valuable papers or personal items but it will not protect them from theft or fire damage. Only safes can provide a superior level of protection for documents, jewelry, guns, and personal items. Computer data that would be difficult...
Home Improvement Rules To Follow

Home Improvement Rules To Follow

Even though home improvement is pretty straightforward most of the time, it is important to carefully follow instructions in order to successfully complete a home improvement task. Many home improvement jobs take a lot of time to complete. This will be time well spent...
Snazz Up Your Home With Some Hot Candle Holders

Snazz Up Your Home With Some Hot Candle Holders

One of the easiest ways to perk up your house is to add some amazing candle holders to your room décor. These candle holders are inexpensive and they look great in any room of the house. And let’s face it, if you love candles you need to have some good candle...
Recycling: Even Bricks Can Be Reused!

Recycling: Even Bricks Can Be Reused!

One of the most innovative ways of recycling materials that have probably been overlooked came in the form of a contractor re-using bricks from a brick wall that needed to be torn down during the construction of an addition to a home. The contractor learned his trade...