About US

Based on more than 20 years of industry experience, IBR has been successfully transformed into an innovative Internet digital installation platform to serve the national architectural decoration market. Based on the concept of “green, environmental protection and energy saving”, deepen the construction and installation reform to create the whole house assembly + assembly building + installation and maintenance one-stop solution. Provide one-stop service from design, material supply, construction application, construction to bag check-in for customers all over the United States to make decoration easier and more interesting!

關於 IBR


We Take Care Of Your Headaches

IBR sources building materials, furniture, and decoration supplies, take measurements and pictures and store them digitally. When clients gives us their floor plans and personal preference, we make a digital built-out so clients can see what their places can look like while incorporating the quality materials we have sourced.

IBR partners with and train local contractors on how to follow the design and pay attention to any product specifications. When you order the designed package, you can rest assure that they can be built-out the way you’ve seen virtually.

有 IBR 在,您沒有頭疼!

IBR 提供的建築材料,家具,裝飾品,一一量好尺寸,用電子儲存方式保管資料。只要客戶給我們地形圖,分享夢想中的風格,我們的設計師就能采用現有的材料以電子構造的形式製造效果圖,讓客戶看到結果。

IBR 也和各地整裝隊伍合作,培訓技術人員,瞭解材料特點,成功搭配。


Frequently Asked Questions

We want our clients to feel very comfortable when purchasing our remodeling package. So ask as many questions as you like, if you don’t see the FAQ listed here, feel free to contact our consultants.




How To Make Sure The Parts And Materials Are Available?

All specs of parts and supplies are stored in our digital inventory. Before we use it to design your virtual room, we verify the availability and put a hold on the products for you.

問: 怎樣保證所需要的材料都有?

答: 材料資料電子存,設計師設計前先確保貨物齊全,也暫時幫客戶保留一段時間。


Do I Have To Buy The Entire Set Up?

Yes. The purpose of IBR is to help lower the overall cost from piecemealing different projects the conventional way. The entire set up is well matched, reasonably priced, and if done separately we can not maintain consistency due to product availability and other reasons.


答:  是的,整套整裝比傳統步驟式整裝省錢省麻煩,這是 IBR要達到的目的。分開的話效果不能保證。


What Is The Price For A Package

The price will be determined by the space of your desired remodel, materials used, and your local labor for installation. You will be offered a quote with commitment from IBR to deliver within a small range of difference, in case there are fluctuations.


答:價錢按面積,風格,用途,材料,和當地人工預算。項目開始前,IBR 免費提供報價,報價表根據不同情況有少少數據空間。



Do I Have To Coordinate Installers?

When we offer you the virtual design, we confirm the availability of materials and installers. We will coordinate the installers and make sure they learn about the design and installation specifics ahead of time so they can get the job done as accuracte and efficient as possible when coming to your site.


答:  IBR 向您提供效果圖的時候,已經確定了材料與工人能為您準備和工作。IBR 包公整個項目,確保工人們瞭解工作任務和程序,來到工作地點上能順利完成任務。


Can I Choose Products Outside Of IBR's Inventory?

We must be able to get accurate measurements of the product and know how it works with other parts to make sure the final result is good. If you choose to purchase from your own suppliers, make sure you or they can send us the details we need for the virtual design.

問:我能選擇用不是 IBR 提供的材料嗎?

答:IBR 必須知道材料的尺寸,大小,性能,用途等數據才能合適搭配其他材料,拼出完整完美的效果。要是您有特別的供應選項,請讓供應商提供給我們所需要的資料。


Are There Any Local Showrooms So I Can See And Feel?

We will have different display locations and open houses where we have done the work. Please contact us to find the nearest location to you if you would like to physically experience our visual-build packages.

