How To Give A Room A New Look On A Budget

How To Give A Room A New Look On A Budget

As a homeowner, you don’t need to have a large budget to give your home a remodel look straight out of the home and garden magazines. Any motivated do-it-yourselfer can redecorate a room and have it look sleek and fashionable for under $1000. Remodeling with a budget...
Home Equity Loans – A Walkthrough Guide Of Home Loans

Home Equity Loans – A Walkthrough Guide Of Home Loans

As the interest rate on credit cards and other loans continues to increase, many people have turned to home equity loans as a method of borrowing money at a low-interest rate. The equity of your house is the difference between the value of your house at any given time...
Wallpaper Removal – A Quick And Easy How-To

Wallpaper Removal – A Quick And Easy How-To

A word of warning upfront, if you have a wallpaper removal task ahead you’re in for a bit of work. Make sure you set aside a considerable amount of time for this project as you may run into tough spots and problem areas that will eat up a lot of time. Removing...
Tips For Working On Plaster Walls

Tips For Working On Plaster Walls

If you live in an older house, say 50 or 60 years or older, there is a good likelihood that you have plaster on your walls. Plaster walls were very common, especially in the late 18th century and 19th centuries. Plaster was fairly readily available, was workable, and...