What Are Light Fixtures Used For?

What Are Light Fixtures Used For?

Light fixtures are something not many of us think about. But, the way we light a room can cause us to feel a certain way or enhance what we want to accomplish in that room. There are many types of light fixtures for all areas of the home and even outdoor lighting...
Quality Control Check For Drywall Finishing

Quality Control Check For Drywall Finishing

Do a walk-through eyeballing the job carefully. You will find obvious mistakes this way and can either correct them immediately or mark them with a pencil to come back later and do a touch-up application. Change lighting and search again for flaws. After all, your...
Outdoor Kitchen Islands

Outdoor Kitchen Islands

Kitchen islands have long been loved for extra cooking and storage space in the kitchen. Now they are available for outdoor cooking and entertaining. An island outside is very functional for cooking and eating outdoors in nice weather. It also eliminates the need for...
Home Theaters Give You An Escape From Reality

Home Theaters Give You An Escape From Reality

There’s nothing quite so satisfying as being able to immerse yourself in total darkness before seeing a crystal clear studio logo pop onto the big screen while a blast of 5.1 digital surround sound overtakes your senses and rumbles beneath you. You are...
How To Remove Crayon From Carpet And Walls

How To Remove Crayon From Carpet And Walls

Crayons are a wonderful tool for little ones to express their creativity, and you’ll proudly display their efforts on your refrigerator for years. But accidental artwork on other surfaces around the home are not things you want hanging around. If you have crayon...